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Representing the Men & Women of the Fairfield, CT Police Department

Fairfield Police Union Endorses Brenda Kupchick & Brian Farnen

The Fairfield Police Union, COPS Local 550, is pleased to announce our endorsements of Brenda Kupchick for the position of First Selectwoman and her running mate, Brian Farnen for the position of Selectman in the upcoming election.

Over the years, we have had the privilege of working closely with First Selectwoman Kupchick, who has consistently demonstrated unwavering support for our department, our mission and the safety of the Fairfield community. Her dedication to public safety, responsiveness to our concerns, and proactive approach to addressing challenges have set her apart as a steadfast advocate for our community's safety and well-being.

Under her leadership, we have witnessed substantial improvement in the working relationship between the police department and the town, making significant progress from former administrations in recent history.

Local 550’s Executive Board met with both First Selectwoman Kupchick and her competitor, RTM Representative Bill Gerber, to gain insight into each candidate’s values, perspectives, and goals for the upcoming term of office.

Following the meetings, it was evident to us that First Selectwoman Kupchick, based on her shared commitment to public safety, established collaborative and inclusive leadership style, and continued support of the police department’s mission, is the candidate best suited to represent the needs of our public safety professionals and the residents of the Town of Fairfield.

While our union has historically maintained a position of political neutrality, we believe this endorsement is a reflection of First Selectwoman Kupchick's steadfast commitment to public safety and her willingness to work collaboratively with us. We look forward to working closely with her to ensure the safety and security of all Fairfield residents.


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